Craft Activism: People, Ideas, and Projects from the New Community of Handmade and How You Can Join In Best Reviews

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Craft Activism: People, Ideas, and Projects from the New Community of Handmade and How You Can Join In

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Craft Activism: People, Ideas, and Projects from the New Community of Handmade and How You Can Join In

Craft Activism: People, Ideas, and Projects from the New Community of Handmade and How You Can Join In

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Craft Activism: People, Ideas, and Projects from the New Community of Handmade and How You Can Join In.
Product Description
Join the Handmade Movement!

We make to give. We make to share. We make to connect with others. Crafters all over the world are using their hands and hearts to make a statement, change the world, and build community.

Craft Activism is an inspiring celebration of this growing movement. Inside, dozens of superstars of this grassroots phenomenon share their experiences, tips, and advice on living, teaching, and promoting a more meaningful DIY lifestyle. Learn to craft for your cause, connect with other crafters, think green, organize a fair, host an online exchange, create yarn graffiti, and more. The book also includes 17 creative projects from designers who challenge you to reimagine how your craft skills can be used to make a difference. Whether you knit, sew, crochet, or collageand even if youre not sure where to beginthis book is your guide to the incredible power of handmade.

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