The Craft Artist's Legal Guide: Protect Your Work, Save On Taxes, Maximize Profits Reviews

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The Craft Artist's Legal Guide: Protect Your Work, Save On Taxes, Maximize Profits

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The Craft Artist's Legal Guide: Protect Your Work, Save On Taxes, Maximize Profits

The Craft Artist's Legal Guide: Protect Your Work, Save On Taxes, Maximize Profits

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The Craft Artist's Legal Guide: Protect Your Work, Save On Taxes, Maximize Profits.
Product Description
The Craft Organization Directors Association reports that 22% of craft households derive all of their income from craft. Crafting for profit is on the rise as more and more people in todays down economy rely on the income from their crafts, whether for sole or supplementary support. But the legal and business side of crafting can be daunting to artists, consuming hours and money theyd rather invest in creating, and potentially leaving them open to copyright violation or tax trouble. The Craft Artists Legal Guide takes the mystery out of the business side of crafting, offering a comprehensive but friendly review of all of the major legal and tax issues, plus clear examples of how to approach them. It explains how to:get a design patent or license a craft;price and sell material, online and off;select the right studio and deal with leases, noise restrictions and zoning laws; find and utilize free ways of promoting the business online;hire workers and sales reps;choose the right insurance;complete and file required business forms;protect copyright, patents and trade dress;save on taxes and preserve income.Each chapter of the book starts with an engaging interview with a working craftsperson about the various chapter-specific business and legal issues that every artist is likely to encounter.

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